BMI value is {{result.bmi}}, belong to {{result.des}}

BMI reference for adults(age more than 18)

WHO Standards Asian Standards
Thin <18.5
Normal 18.5-24.9 18.5-22.9
Overweight ≥25 ≥23
A Little Fat 25.0~29.9 23~24.9
Fat 30.0~34.9 25~29.9
Very Fat 35.0~39.9 ≥30
Extremely Fat ≥40.0
The best value of BMI is 22.

Children Reference (age during 7-17)

Gender Age Overweight Fat
Female 7 18.9>BMI>=17.2 BMI>=18.9
8 19.9>BMI>=18.1 BMI>=19.9
9 21.0>BMI>=19.0 BMI>=21.0
10 22.1>BMI>=20.0 BMI>=22.1
11 23.3>BMI>=21.1 BMI>=23.3
12 24.5>BMI>=21.9 BMI>=24.5
13 25.6>BMI>=22.6 BMI>=25.6
14 26.3>BMI>=23.0 BMI>=26.3
15 26.9>BMI>=23.4 BMI>=26.9
16 27.4>BMI>=23.7 BMI>=27.4
17 27.7>BMI>=23.8 BMI>=27.7
Male 7 19.2>BMI>=17.4 BMI>=19.2
8 20.3>BMI>=18.1 BMI>=20.3
9 21.4>BMI>=18.9 BMI>=21.4
10 22.5>BMI>=19.6 BMI>=22.5
11 23.6>BMI>=20.3 BMI>=23.6
12 24.7>BMI>=21.0 BMI>=24.7
13 25.7>BMI>=21.9 BMI>=25.7
14 26.4>BMI>=22.6 BMI>=26.4
15 26.9>BMI>=23.1 BMI>=26.9
16 27.4>BMI>=23.5 BMI>=27.4
17 27.8>BMI>=23.8 BMI>=27.8

Whakataki Utauta

Tuipuu BMI te tatauranga taupū tinana, e waatea ana ki nga tangata neke atu i te 18 Te teitei me te Ka tere te tatau i te taumahatanga i te taupū papatipu tinana BMI. I raro i te 18 tau, ka taea e koe te tiki i te uara BMI ma te titiro ake ki te tepu. Ma te mohio ki te BMI ka taea e koe te mohio ake ki to hauora tinana.

Ko te tātai tātai o te BMI ko: BMI=w/(h²), ko te w to taumaha me te h to teitei.

Me pehea te whakamahi

Mena kua neke ake i te 18 tau, ka taea e koe te tatau i to taurangi papatipu tinana BMI ma te whakauru i to teitei me te taumaha Mena kei raro koe i te 18 tau, patai tika ki te ripanga i runga ake nei kia whiwhi i te uara BMI.

Mō te BMI

Te taupū BMI (Body Mass Index, e mohiotia ana ko Body Mass Index mo te poto, e mohiotia ana ko Weight, Body Mass Index mo te poto i te reo Ingarihi, BMI mo te poto) , Ko te tau ka riro ma te wehewehe i te taumaha ki te kirokaramu ki te teitei i roto i nga mita he tapawha. I te nuinga o te waa ka whakamahia mo nga kaupapa tatauranga. Ina hiahia taatau ki te whakataurite me te tātari i nga paanga hauora o te taumaha o te tangata ki runga i nga taangata rerekee, ko te uara BMI he tohu koretake me te pono.